Growing up in Mexico City exposed me earlier in life to visual graphics –from prehispanic paintings to cubism and impressionism (i.e. Diego Rivera). Similarly, I became interested in photography and started developing my films in the dark room. My influences have been broad: from the classic master Ansel Adams, to more modern photographers such as Joe McNally or Jay Maisel.

Subsequently, I kept myself busy in medical school, residency, graduate school and fellowship (finally settling in Boston, MA). During the last few months I picked up my camera again –a Nikon of course!. It feels good to be out and shooting again.

My goal is to capture the beauty and feelings that a landscape evokes; to make you desire being there. Similarly, while working with people for either a senior or family portrait, business shot, or fashion I aim to capture the personality and character that makes each person special.

In my website you will be able to see my most recent work. Feel free to contact me for prints or rights to use my pictures.  You can find more about me at my 500px webpage.

Happy photography! 
